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Category: Press Releases

Stand Up 2 Cancer September 10th

Stand Up 2 Cancer September 10th

Senator Ted Stevens

 Senator Ted Stevens (1923-2010) Friends of Cancer Research would like to express our most heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Senator Ted Stevens. Senator Stevens was a prostate cancer survivor, and, during his decades in Congress, a steadfast champion of cancer and biomedical research. As Senator, including his time as Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Ted Stevens…

Friends Statement on Appointment of Dr. Varmus

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE    Media Inquiries: Ryan Hohman   703.302.1522/717.333.6248- WASHINGTON, DC, May 17, 2010- Friends of Cancer Research (Friends) congratulates Dr. Harold Varmus on his appointment as Director of the National Cancer Institute (NCI).   “As world renowned clinical investigator and Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Varmus will bring exceptional experience in clinical research, clinical practice, and patient care…

Science and Progress at the FDA:Realizing the Return on Investment from Biomedical Research Briefing- Invite

PDF: Realizing the Return on Investment from Biomedical Research Briefing- Invite A discussion on why increased scientific capacity at the FDA is what will ensure patients and their families can access and benefit from the latest scientific breakthroughs.   Wednesday, March 24, 2010 11:00am-12:00pm Room H137 in the U.S. Capitol    

Statement on President Obama’s Address to a Joint Session of Congress

    Friends of Cancer Research Statement on President Obama’s Address to a Joint Session of Congress Thursday September 10, 2009 Arlington, VA- Thousands of people are diagnosed with cancer everyday. And the reality is that far too many of those diagnosed will not receive the treatment that they need, or will be diagnosed too…

CER Report Released at Forum with Leading Scientists and Policy-makers

     CONTACT: Ryan Hohman at 703.302.1522       Leading Academic Scientists, Clinicians, and Policy-makers Discuss the future of Comparative Effectiveness Research in the United States   Panel Discussion is being Held in Conjunction with the Release of a Report: “Improving Medical Decisions through Comparative Effectiveness Research: Cancer as a Case Study”   WASHINGTON,…

Friends of Cancer Research Brings in 2009 with a New Website

Friends of Cancer Research Brings in 2009 with a New Website Friends of Cancer Research brought in the New Year with a newly designed website, The new site, launched at the end of December, was designed and developed by Blue Water Media. Arlington, VA (PRWEB) January 11, 2009 — Friends of Cancer Research brought…

A Note From Ellen Sigal and Marlene Malek

  A Note from Ellen Sigal and Marlene Malek These are trying times for our country, but amidst economic turmoil, funding for life-saving research cannot be overlooked. President-elect Obama will have to make some very important appointments over the next months. Many of these appointments will directly impact research, innovation and treatment of cancer. Of…

Senator McCain Releases Cancer Plan

STATEMENT BY JOHN MCCAIN ON ‘STAND UP TO CANCER’ EVENT ARLINGTON, VA — U.S. Senator John McCain today released the following statement on the networks’ prime-time special event, “Stand Up to Cancer,” which will air tonight. The campaign also released information on how John McCain will support the efforts to win the fight against cancer…