Friends of Cancer Research Advisory Advocates

About the Advisory Advocates

Friends established the Advisory Advocates in 2023 to provide the patient perspective to Friends’ projects and messaging and to create a forum for sharing the needs of the patient community as it relates to cancer research, oncology drug development, and US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulatory affairs. Advisory Advocates are patients, caregivers of patients, and survivors of cancer who provide invaluable insights on their experiences to ensure patient perspectives are represented in Friends’ work. They volunteer to serve as project members on Friends’ projects and are may also be included as panelists at Friends’ meetings. Advisory Advocates attend quarterly meetings with Friends’ staff to learn about updates on Friends’ projects, discuss upcoming events, and share community needs. Advisory Advocates have completed the Advocacy Education Program and are interested in using their experience to support cancer research. If you are interested in becoming an Advisory Advocate, please fill out this form.

Scroll through below to see our current Advisory Advocates.

Friends of Cancer Research Advisory Advocates

Ken Billett

Metastatic Melanoma Survivor

Friends Projects

ctMoniTR Project

Digital PATH Project

Other Affiliations:

Melanoma Action Coalition, Executive Committee | Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center (VICC), Research Advocate | CDMRP Grant Reviewer

Mary P. Harper, PhD

Living with Mucosal Melanoma

Friends Projects

Digital PATH Project

ctMoniTR Project

Other Advocacy Affiliations:

Mucosal Melanoma Warriors | Melanoma Research Alliance | Melanoma Research Foundation

Abigail Johnston, Esq.

Living with Metastatic Breast Cancer

Friends Projects

Digital PATH Project

Other Advocacy Affiliations:

Project Life, Director of Mentorship and Legal Clinics |, MBC Leadership Committee, Board Member and Chair | PIK3CA PathBreakers, Co-founder

Maria Boyce

Triple Negative Breast Cancer Survivor

Other Affiliations:

The Rose Breast Center of Excellence, Board of Directors | MD Anderson’s CancerConnect Program | Alamo Breast Cancer Foundation

Patsy Hinson

BRCA2-Mutated Ovarian Cancer Survivor

Friends Projects

HRD Harmonization Project

Other Advocacy Affiliations:

Survivor Teaching Students

Joan Mancuso

Living with Metastatic Breast Cancer

Friends Projects'

Digital PATH Project

Other Advocacy Affiliations:

ASCO's Targeted Agent and Profiling Utilization Registry (TAPUR) | Theresa’s Research Foundation Metastatic Breast Cancer Research Conference (MBCRC) | Guiding Researchers and Advocates to Scientific Partnerships (GRASP)

Judith Medeiros Fitzgerald

Breast Cancer Survivor

Friends Projects

2023 Annual Meeting Working Group

Other Affiliations:

Sisters4Prevention, Founder | Annie Appleseed Project | CDMRP Grant Reviewer

Lee Jones

Stage IV Colon Cancer Survivor

Friends Projects

Tolerability & Dosing

Clinical Trials Eligibility Criteria
COVID-19 Mitigation Strategies Working Groups

Other Affiliations:

SWOG Cancer Research Network, Advocate member | Fight Colorectal Cancer, Research Advocate | Georgetown University Oncology IRB and NCI CIRB

Eva A. May, MBA

Patient-Powered Research/Engagement Advocate

Friends Projects

ctMoniTR Project

Real World Evidence Portfolio

Other Advocacy Affiliations:

Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology | NCI’s NCTN Core Correlative Sciences Committee | UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Community Advisory Board | UNC Breast Cancer SPORE

Kristin R. McJunkins

Stage IIIa Melanoma Survivor

Friends Projects

Real World Evidence Portfolio

2022, 2023 Annual Meeting Working Group

Other Advocacy Affiliations:

Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) | Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) | National Patient Advocate Foundation (NPAF)

Kelly Shanahan

Living with Metastatic Breast Cancer

Friends Projects

Digital PATH Project

2023 Annual Meeting Working Group

Other Advocacy Affiliations:

METAvivor, Director | Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology, Advocate Member | Komen Advocates in Sciences

Carol Vallett

Breast Cancer Survivor

Other Advocacy Affiliations:

Komen Advocate in Science | CDMRP Grant Reviewer | Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas Grant Reviewer

Chris White

Anorectal Mucosal Melanoma Survivor

Friends Projects

Cell & Gene Therapies

Other Advocacy Affiliations:

Melanoma Research Alliance (MRA) Patient Advocate | ASCO Patient Advocate | SITC Patient Advocate