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12-1-2014 – Pink Sheet – Breaking Down Breakthrough Requests

12-1-2014 – Pink Sheet – Breaking Down Breakthrough Requests

FDA’s evaluation of the first two years of the breakthrough therapies program found common threads among designation requests that were granted and denied, which may help sponsors better understand the agency’s criteria for awarding the incentive.

Below are key characteristics of products that have gained and were denied breakthrough designation, as well as reasons why FDA turned down a sponsor’s request for breakthrough status.


Product Characteristics


Breakthrough Designees

Breakthrough Denials

Average enrollment of trials submitted in request 184.3 (median: 88) 114.4 (median: 51)
Average number of trials submitted in request 1.52 1.23
Maximum trial phase 1.94 1.73
Request included randomized or blinded trials 56% randomized/32% blinded 56% randomized/46% blinded
Available therapy for the disease 64% 49%
Rare and/or orphan 60% 55%
Genetic/targeted therapy 38% 20%


Note: Based on total of 50 breakthrough designations and 86 denials analyzed


Genetic Component To Therapy

Type of Therapy



With a genetic component in the indication 19 17
No genetic component in the indication 31 69


Orphan vs. Non-Orphan




Median enrollment in highest trial phase submitted with orphan status 69 47
Median enrollment in highest trial phase submitted without orphan status 161 56


Alternative Therapies Available

Availability of Alternative



Approved and unapproved therapy available 9 10
Only approved therapy available 23 32
Only unapproved therapy available 14 28
No alternative therapy available 4 16


Maximum Trial Phase Of Evidence In The Designation Request




0 2 1
1 9 27
2 29 47
3 10 7
No data submitted 0 4


Median Trial Enrollment




1 19 28
2 73 62
3 161 147
Other (requests that included expanded access data) 16 31


Reasons for Denial of a Breakthrough Designation

Total denials reviewed 86
Lack of efficacy 57 (66%)
Lack of safety 14 (16%)
All data or trial problems 80 (92%)
No clinical data 5 (6%)
Trial design flaws 22 (43%)
Invalid endpoint 25 (29%)
Sample size 31 (36%)
Post hoc analysis 13 (15%)
Trial results too preliminary 21 (24%)
Treatment effects not isolated 10 (12%)
Concomitant treatments 3 (3%)
Miscellaneous or other reasons 17 (20%)


Source: Presentation by CDER Director Janet Woodcock during the Nov. 21 Friends of Cancer Research-Brookings Conference on Clinical Cancer Research…