
Our work speeds lifesaving treatments to patients.

With your support, Friends continues to advance innovation for patients. We have made considerable progress in the fight against cancer and are continuing to advance our mission through original research that will pave the way for new science and policies benefiting patients.

We hope you will join us in this important work with a contribution to Friends.

Friends of Cancer Research (Friends) is working to accelerate policy change, support groundbreaking science, and deliver new therapies to patients quickly and safely. Once we set a goal, we talk, we listen, we advocate, and we leave no stone unturned for patients. That’s how breakthroughs transpire. That’s how better policies happen. That’s how patients get what they need.  

We Know Who We Work For

We unite scientists, pharmaceutical companies, and policy makers with shared trust and guide them toward meaningful cooperation. We work for patients, families, and anyone impacted by cancer. That’s what Friends does.

We hope you will join us in this important work with a contribution to Friends.

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Friends of Cancer Research is a 501 (C)(3) non-profit organization; all donations are tax deductible. Our tax ID number is 52-1983273. As required by the rules and regulations of the Internal Revenue Code, we certify that no goods or services were provided in return for this contribution.

For assistance or to donate by phone please contact: Linda Ostermann at 202-944-6700 or