Senate Confirms Dr. Robert Califf as FDA Commissioner
Washington, DC, February 24, 2016 – Friends of Cancer Research would like to thank the Senate for doing what is right for the country and patients by confirming Dr. Robert Califf as the new FDA Commissioner. The Senate confirmed him this afternoon.
“We are at a critical moment in public health and it is paramount to have a strong leader at the helm of the FDA,” Dr. Ellen Sigal, Chair and Founder of Friends of Cancer Research said. “We are glad to see the Senate confirmed someone who has proven he is uniquely qualified to fill the role, Dr. Robert Califf.”
About Friends of Cancer Research
Friends of Cancer Research (Friends) is our country’s leading voice in advocating for policies and solutions that will get treatments to patients in the safest and quickest way possible. As a think tank and an advocacy organization based in Washington, DC, Friends develops groundbreaking partnerships and creates a more open dialogue among both public and private sectors and tears down the barriers that stand in the way of conquering cancer. Working with federal health agencies, congressional leadership, academic research centers, and private sector industry, Friends continues to create innovative educational, policy, and scientific approaches to improve health outcomes and cancer care. For more information please visit