As Dr. Hamburg steps down as Commissioner, we are deeply indebted to her for all she has done for science and for patients
Washington, DC, February 5, 2015 – Friends of Cancer Research would like to applaud Dr. Margaret Hamburg for her incredible, transformative leadership during her time as FDA Commissioner.
“Commissioner Hamburg’s leadership and her commitment to patients are unsurpassed,” said Ellen Sigal, Chair & Founder of Friends of Cancer Research. “She has changed the direction of the FDA, creating an environment of science-based collaboration that has fostered a new era of regulatory science focused on expediting the best treatments to patients.”
As Commissioner of the FDA, Dr. Hamburg oversaw the expansion of a portfolio of responsibilities that now oversees 1/4 of the US economy; including increased responsibilities and oversight of food, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, cosmetics, and now tobacco.
She has overseen significant expansion of FDA expedited approval mechanisms for innovative drugs, including the development of the Breakthrough therapies designation that has already approved 19 new drugs and changed how FDA and industry collaborate to get treatments to patients.
Throughout her tenure as FDA Commissioner, Dr. Hamburg has worked to build a global regulatory community, harmonizing standards and approaches among regulatory agencies worldwide.
Commissioner Hamburg’s FDA has been more dedicated than ever to making use of the most advanced regulatory science available. The Advancing Regulatory Science Initiative has led to more precise, efficient, data-driven approaches to the development, evaluation, and manufacturing of medical products.
Under Commissioner Hamburg’s leadership, the FDA has placed great emphasis on transparency and public-private partnerships, helping the agency to remain responsive to stakeholders.
About Friends of Cancer Research
Friends of Cancer Research (Friends) is our country’s leading voice in advocating for policies and solutions that will get treatments to patients in the safest and quickest way possible. As a think tank and an advocacy organization based in Washington, DC, Friends develops groundbreaking partnerships and creates a more open dialogue among both public and private sectors and tears down the barriers that stand in the way of conquering cancer. Working with federal health agencies, congressional leadership, academic research centers, and private sector industry, Friends continues to create innovative educational, policy, and scientific approaches to improve health outcomes and cancer care. For more information please visit