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Type: White Papers

Conference on Clinical Cancer Research 2010: Panel One – Adaptive Clinical Trials Designs for Simultaneous Testing of Matched Diagnostics and Therapeutics

Conference on Clinical Cancer Research 2010: Complete White Paper

Conference on Clinical Cancer Research 2011: Panel Four – Development Paths for New Drugs with Large Treatment Effects Seen Early

Conference on Clinical Cancer Research 2011: Panel Three – Symptom Measurement in Clinical Trials

Conference on Clinical Cancer Research 2011: Panel Two – Evidence for Use of Maintenance Therapy

Conference on Clinical Cancer Research 2011: Panel One- Alternative Trial Designs Based on Tumor Genetics/Pathway Characteristics Instead of Histology

Friends/Alexandria Forum 2012 – Blueprint for Future Drug/Diagnostic Co-Development 2012: Pre-Forum Report – Considerations for the successful co-development of targeted cancer therapies and companion diagnostics

Conference on Clinical Cancer Research 2012: Panel Three – Re-evaluating Criteria for Accelerated Approval

Conference on Clinical Cancer Research 2012: Panel Two – Design of a Disease-Specific Master Protocol

Conference on Clinical Cancer Research 2012: Panel One – Developing Standards for Breakthrough Therapy Designation