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My Story: Stephanie Haney

My Story: Stephanie Haney

Welcome to “My Story,” a new series showing the human side of cancer. Throughout the series we will speak with people that have had cancer infiltrate their lives and explore its everlasting impact. Everyone in the series has been impacted by cancer in some way. We’ll show how it has inspired, and in some cases led to innovation, to better help those who find themselves affected by this terrible disease.

In the first of this series, we spoke with Stephanie Haney, a Stage IV Lung Cancer patient. At the time of her diagnosis, Stephanie had two little girls.

That was my biggest fear, is my kids are two and four, they’re not even going to remember me.

Stephanie and her family were shocked by her diagnosis. She had no risk factors or family history. With the help of newly available treatments, such as breakthrough therapies, she has defied the odds and watched her daughters grow from little girls into  young teenagers.

To watch Stephanie’s inspiring story, click on the video below.


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