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My Story: Fighting to Change the Cancer Story

My Story: Fighting to Change the Cancer Story

Friends of Cancer Research Vice President – Public Affairs, Ryan Hohman, shares why he is passionate about the Friends mission of bringing life-saving treatments to patients in the fastest and safest way possible in the latest installment of “My Story.” From a young age, Ryan has been witness to how cancer impacts families and saw what he called then as a child this monster that took away all these people he loved. Then, when he was 22, he received a phone call from his best friend that would alter his life and views on cancer forever.

At 22, you think you’re invincible and you have the whole world in front of you. No one should have to lose that opportunity.

Ryan has been with Friends for the past nine years and has been a significant contributor to the growth and success of the organization. As part of his role at Friends, Ryan leads the strategic development and execution of public-policy and legislative initiatives to enhance FDA regulatory policies, its institutes, and research programs. In addition, he oversees the organization’s targeted outreach, comprehensive communications strategy, federal affairs, advocacy relations, and the organization’s development programs.

To watch Ryan’s story, click on the video below.

To watch Ryan’s story on YouTube, please go to:


FDA Friends Advocate Insights Video