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Category: FDA

Friends’ Project Pulse | Pilot Project 2.0: Surveying the Use of Real-World Endpoints

In the first post of the Real-World Evidence (RWE) blog series, we discussed Pilot Project 1.0 , and the collaborative effort to build consensus around the role of RWE in oncology. In this post, we will explore Pilot Project 2.0: Establishing the Utility of Real-World Endpoints, a key element about RWE that requires further investigation…

Friends’ Project Pulse | An Overview of Pilot Project 1.0 of the Real-World Evidence Project

This is the first of a five-part blog series on Real-World Evidence leading up to the September 21st RWE meeting . The series will highlight how Friends of Cancer Research (Friends) is working with various stakeholders to identify key elements about real-world evidence (RWE) that require further investigation for use in drug development and contribute to consensus…

Meeting Recap | ctMoniTR Step 1 Results: Do Changes in ctDNA reflect response to treatment?

Click HERE for the August 25th Q&A Recap On Tuesday, August 11, 2020, Friends of Cancer Research (Friends) presented the results of Step 1 of the ctDNA for Monitoring Treatment Response (ctMoniTR) project. Step 1 involved convening clinical and academic leaders, government, industry, and leading advocates to align on a methodology to analyze ctDNA (circulating tumor DNA)…

Friends’ Project Pulse | TMB Results: The Future Use of Complex Biomarkers

On Thursday, July 23, 2020, Friends of Cancer Research (Friends) hosted the second in a two-part virtual meeting series, TMB Results: The Future Use of Complex Biomarkers, that focused on the harmonization of tumor mutational burden (TMB). The event covered the results from the TMB Harmonization Project and how the project’s efforts will impact the future use of…

Meeting Recap | The Future Use of Complex Biomarkers

Friends of Cancer Research (Friends) convened its first virtual symposium on Tuesday, July 14, 2020. The symposium, The Future Use of Complex Biomarkers, convened renowned speakers from several health care sectors, who discussed the current role of biomarker testing in cancer drug discovery and treatment, and explored the future of complex biomarker development. The Tumor Mutational…

Friends’ Project Pulse | How we approached the harmonization of TMB

In the first post of this series, we covered why Friends of Cancer Research (Friends) decided to create the Tumor Mutational Burden (TMB) Harmonization Project. Due to a previous lack of understanding of the different ways to measure TMB and apply it as a biomarker for treatment determination, harmonizing definitions of TMB was critical in giving patients…

Stakeholder Connect | Jeff Allen Testifies on MODERN Labeling Act at House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Health Hearing

At a House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health hearing titled, “Improving Safety and Transparency in America’s Food and Drugs,” Friends President and CEO, Jeff Allen, testified on the importance of updating medical product labels and the impact on patient safety and care. The hearing considered a series of bills addressing various issues related to the FDA,…

Stakeholder Connect | Senate Briefing – Turning the Tables: Innovator Meets Regulator

At a Senate briefing hosted by Friends of Cancer Research (Friends), a panel comprised of leading stakeholders convened to discuss changes in cancer care and criticisms of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) expedited approval programs. As recent advancements to discover and develop targeted therapies, immunomodulating agents, and cell-based therapies provide new and potentially…

Meeting Recap | Friends Of Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2019

The Friends of Cancer Research (Friends) Annual Meeting 2019 began with welcoming remarks by Ellen Sigal, Chairperson & Founder of Friends, and Jeff Allen, President & CEO of Friends. In her remarks, Sigal emphasized the time and effort spent by working group members on putting together collaborative whitepapers meant to reach a level of consensus…

Meeting Recap | BioPharma Congress V

On Monday, October 7, 2019, Friends of Cancer Research (Friends) and Prevision Policy hosted the fifth annual BioPharma Congress. This year’s event focused on gene therapies, approval standards, new payment models, drug pricing, and the future of the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Featured speakers included Assistant to the President and Director of the Domestic Policy…